Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership
Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership
1. Readiness Runway
The Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership is a system-change initiative designed to drive big, long-term changes in child and youth wellbeing in Queensland. It brings together key organisations and leaders across the health, education, social services systems, and from the tertiary, philanthropy, non-government and government sectors, who together make up the eco-system that serves our children, young people and families.
These Partners have agreed to work together to drive down child and youth vulnerability by:
• acting together in coordinated ways
• growing the size of the pie of public, private and philanthropic investment
• scaling up evidence-based strategies that work
• learning from each other
• translating the best knowledge and research into policies, programs and practice
• adopting common, consistent approaches and train up their workforces
• co-developing new solutions where required
• addressing the systemic barriers that get in the way of working holistically
• developing shared infrastructure that builds everyone’s capacity to support child and youth wellbeing.
TQKP is a systems coalition and intermediary – with the purpose of ‘catalysing systems to change the odds of Queensland children and young people thriving’. TQKP is committed to not recreate, or duplicate or compete, and not to add more complexity or stress, but to help fill a gap in our current efforts, and help make the efforts of all sectors, organisations and practitioners more impactful and valuable.
The value proposition of TQKP is to: ‘amplify the impact of the not-for-profit, tertiary, philanthropic, corporate & government sectors supporting families and communities to raise children & young people, and, in particular, in working together to improve outcomes for those experiencing significant inequity & adversity’.
Our approach is to facilitate through practical initiatives - using key enablers, levers and activities that are integrative and developmental – to build connections, capabilities and capacities. Those six key levers are:
- concerted leadership
- smart investment
- integrated delivery
- stronger workforces
- engaged caregivers and communities, and
- putting data, experience and evidence to work.
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