Platform C is an online knowledge and learning platform powered by Collaboration for Impact in partnership with: Paul Ramsay Foundation; Dusseldorp Forum; Australian Department of Social Services; The Australian Centre for Social Innovation, and Clear Horizon.


    Our Values


    Our whole purpose is to help people make progress. Our core values that drive our purpose are:  

    • Holding community and outcomes at the centre of all we do
    • Being open to all through free or affordable access
    • Using evidence informed practice
    • Being open source, generous with learnings and giving back 
    • Sharing ideas, building on and creating new ideas

    The story behind Platform C.

    Platform C has been created to offer support, learning and connections for people tackling big, tough problems and creating large-scale impact through collaboration. It has been designed to be open and accessible, making collaboration and systems change knowledge, tools and resources available to communities across Australia regardless of budget or geography.

    It’s creation has been driven by Collaboration for Impact (CFI). CFI enables people to address complex challenges and create impact through collaboration. We do this by building capacity for systems change – to shift the conditions that hold problems in place, and to ensure communities are at the centre of the decisions that affect them.


    CFI logo
    dusseldorp logo
    dusseldorp logo
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    Clear Horizon logo

    How can we help?

    We are here to help. Please visit the Support page for suggestions on how we might be able to work with you.

    Get in touch


    Change Cycle Locator Tool

    Take the quick survey to work out where you are on your change journey and access information specific to your needs