Tools & Resources

Welcome to the Platform C Resource Hub!

This library of helpful tools and resources was curated from thought leaders and change-makers around the world. We are working continuously to add helpful information.

If you find something that you want to share, that fits into a specific Phase or Layer of the Collaborative Chance Cycle, please send a link to us here

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This resource aims to support initiatives in exploring how to effectively adopt and/or adapt programs, or elements of programs, into their own specific context.

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4. Scaling Up

A key tool to depersonalise and look at systemic ‘voices’ or positions in the collaboration is by identifying ‘roles’. This video explores how to deepen the work by shifting or taking up other roles. Deep Collaboration is a way of working that was created by First Nations and other…

Deep Collaboration

5. Achieving Transformation

Step 5 of Deep Collaboration looks at the nuanced skills of facilitating ‘Hot spots’ – naturally occurring points of tension signalling potential breakthrough in a collaboration. Deep Collaboration is a way of working that was created by First Nations and other Multicultural Australians to…

Deep Collaboration

5. Achieving Transformation

Step 5 looks at the nuanced skills of facilitating ‘Hot spots’ – naturally occurring points of tension signalling potential breakthrough in a collaboration. Deep Collaboration is a way of working that was created by First Nations and other Multicultural Australians to find new ways to work and…

Deep Collaboration

4. Scaling Up

Working with conflict is important in the work of Deep Collaboration – and challenging. This video discusses ‘Hotspots’ – what they look and feel like and what to do when they happen. Deep Collaboration is a way of working that was created by First Nations and other Multicultural Australians…

Deep Collaboration

5. Achieving Transformation

This resource introduces 3 tools from service design, evaluation and start-up thinking that can be important in creating sustainability in the long term: Theory of Change; Business Model Canvas; and Service Blueprint.


4. Scaling Up

This resource contains a curated a list of papers, tools and resources for effective community engagement and movement building.

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5. Achieving Transformation

This resource identifies 13 principles for challenging, altering and replacing our dominant ways of doing, thinking and organising in order to bring about social change.

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5. Achieving Transformation

This resource explores what the spread of social innovations looks like in contexts that go beyond organisational growth, such as replication and dissemination. 

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4. Scaling Up

This resource explains that big visions can be too generic to develop actional strategies around, and thus advocates breaking them down into several smaller goals.

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5. Achieving Transformation

This resource describes the ABLe Change Framework for systems change, and provides a package of simple rules, processed and tools for applying the approach. 

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4. Scaling Up

This resource is a video that explains pivoting as changing strategy, not changing your vision, much like changing your route if you encounter an obstacle while driving.

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4. Scaling Up


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