Tools & Resources

Welcome to the Platform C Resource Hub!

This library of helpful tools and resources was curated from thought leaders and change-makers around the world. We are working continuously to add helpful information.

If you find something that you want to share, that fits into a specific Phase or Layer of the Collaborative Chance Cycle, please send a link to us here

This resource describes seven elements of cross sector partnership formation.

Web link

2. Building the Foundations

This resource provides a process for developing questions that lead to new insights, ideas and solutions.

Web link

2. Building the Foundations

This resource includes an overview of what a common agenda is, and a five-step guide for developing a common agenda with others.

Web link

3. Creating a Shared Vision

This tool will help you to identify how ready your system (group, community or organisation) is for collaboration and adaptation. It can also be modified to help you assess readiness for tackling complex challenges.

Downloadable pdf

1. Readiness Runway

2. Building the Foundations

This resource provides a comprehensive ‘how to’ guide for forming, running, and harnessing the benefits of working groups.

Web link

3. Creating a Shared Vision

This tool will help you to map and interpret stakeholder dynamics in your initiative. This tool can be useful at the start of an initiative when you are working out the ‘lay of the land’, if things go wrong, if there is conflict, or if you are not making progress.

Downloadable pdf

1. Readiness Runway

2. Building the Foundations

3. Creating a Shared Vision

This resource articulates four steps in aligning collective effort.

Web link

4. Scaling Up

This tool will help you to identify: • Factors that have contributed to the change you seek. • Evidence demonstrating the contribution. • The strength of the contribution. • Identify new means of and opportunities to exercise leadership.

Collaboration for Impact

3. Creating a Shared Vision

4. Scaling Up

5. Achieving Transformation

This resource explains how identifying and understanding ‘positive deviance’ will help you understand the kind of solutions that can work in your community – with the resources that are already in place.

Web link

3. Creating a Shared Vision

This resource helps practitioners to reflect on how ready or well positioned they are to work in an adaptive, systemic way.

Web link

2. Building the Foundations

This resource describes different types of insight, the attributes of a good insight, the place of insights in design processes, and how to create stronger insights.

Downloadable pdf

2. Building the Foundations

This resource supports practitioners to think through key moments for community members as they participate in the initiative being developed (e.g. from first contact, to participation, to leadership).

Web link

2. Building the Foundations

This resource introduces design research as an approach and set of methods that are particularly well suited to understanding the reality of people’s lives, what they want for the future and how the current situations help and hinder them.

Web link

3. Creating a Shared Vision

This resource provides practical guidance on how to and when to engage in horizontal management, which is concerned with working collaboratively across organisational boundaries.

Web link

4. Scaling Up

This resource provides a guide to using the Most Significant Change (MSC) method, together with an MSC story collection guide.

Clear Horizon

4. Scaling Up

This resource provides a guide to the Most Significant Learning Technique, which is an adaption of the Most Significant Change Technique, and helps to surface assumptions and workshop key lessons. 

Clear Horizon

4. Scaling Up


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