Tools & Resources

Welcome to the Platform C Resource Hub!

This library of helpful tools and resources was curated from thought leaders and change-makers around the world. We are working continuously to add helpful information.

If you find something that you want to share, that fits into a specific Phase or Layer of the Collaborative Chance Cycle, please send a link to us here

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A Place-based Evaluation Framework and Toolkit, co-commissioned by the Department of Social Services and Queensland Government Department of Communities, Disability Services and for evaluating place-based delivery approaches. The toolkit has over 80 methods and tool to choose from.

Web link

3. Creating a Shared Vision

M.Q. Patton, an American evaluator whose approaches and tools are recognised and used to evaluate place-based initiatives, has identified a useful set of principles for evaluation, which are Effectiveness Principles. More resources including a webinar  on the…

Web link

2. Building the Foundations

This resource identifies different levels of thinking and intervention regarding systems, emphasising that most of what occurs, particularly root causes, sit below the surface.

Web link

2. Building the Foundations

A paper on Theory of Change for complex initiatives aiming at systems change.

Clear Horizon

3. Creating a Shared Vision


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