Tools & Resources

Welcome to the Platform C Resource Hub!

This library of helpful tools and resources was curated from thought leaders and change-makers around the world. We are working continuously to add helpful information.

If you find something that you want to share, that fits into a specific Phase or Layer of the Collaborative Chance Cycle, please send a link to us here

This resource uses a basic matrix to distinguish between simple, complicated, political, complex, and chaotic issues and challenges, and the types of intervention most appropriate to each.

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1. Readiness Runway

This resource contains a process for working with stakeholders to determine their desired level of involvement in an initiative.

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2. Building the Foundations

This resource explains that big visions can be too generic to develop actional strategies around, and thus advocates breaking them down into several smaller goals.

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5. Achieving Transformation

This resource identifies different levels of thinking and intervention regarding systems, emphasising that most of what occurs, particularly root causes, sit below the surface.

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2. Building the Foundations

This resource describes six conditions of systems change: policies; practices; resource flows; relationships and connections; power dynamics; and mental models.

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1. Readiness Runway

This resource helps individuals think systemically about social change, explore what is happening below the surface on issues they care about, and determine how they and their organizations can pursue large-scale change in a disciplined and holistic manner.

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1. Readiness Runway

There are many more tools and approaches that can be used to engage with and learn about your community, have a look through the following websites for inspiration: 100 Conversations, appreciative inquiry, there are also a number of arts-based methods that can be useful…

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1. Readiness Runway

This resource will help your group to identify and prioritise influential champions who could be engaged in the collaborative effort and lend their support to moving the effort forward.

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2. Building the Foundations

This resource unpacks key concepts of ‘co-design’ and explains how the range of design-based traditions that sit under the co-design banner have something very important to bring to social innovation. 

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2. Building the Foundations


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