Phase 5. Achieving Transformation

Welcome to Achieving Transformation! This phase of the Collaborative Change Cycle is all about embedding new ways of working for long-term change to shift the underlying design of the system that held the problem in place.


What you might see

  • Community and partners viewing shared measurement and learning as an integral part of how their community operates;

  • The shared agenda in full implementation;

  • Decisions being made using data drawn from a reliable MEL framework. Partners are adapting learning processes to make improvements.



What you can do

  • Conduct an evaluation of the impact of the shared agenda by considering the degree to which:

  • it reflects and represents all elements of the community

  • its impacts have been worthwhile.
  • Conduct a longitudinal analysis of culture of learning and collaboration health assessment.

Measurement Tools & Resources

See our latest Facilitator Tools
Map your progress
Understand where your initiative is on the Collaborative Change Cycle

This tool will help you to identify:
• Factors that have contributed to the change you seek.
• Evidence demonstrating the contribution.
• The strength of the contribution.
• Identify new means of and opportunities to exercise leadership.

Collaboration for Impact

3. Creating a Shared Vision | 4. Scaling Up | 5. Achieving Transformation

A good resource for evaluation is the Better Evaluation website. It offers information and links to many evaluation approaches, methods and tools. This website has been developed for program evaluation principally and you should therefore consider how you select and apply these resources to place-based interventions.

Web link

5. Achieving Transformation

This resource provides a framework, together with more than 80 methods and tools, for evaluating place-based work in the Australian context.

Web link

5. Achieving Transformation


Change Cycle Locator Tool

Take the quick survey to work out where you are on your change journey and access information specific to your needs